
Less educated 'will age faster':


Fahrenheit 451(Dystopian)
-based on the novel of the same name.
-yes it's too old (1966), but it really DOES worth watching.

Today, I say:

"Isn't it funny; Life taught me how to play Chess, and then Chess taught me how to deal with some stuff in Life."

New links:

stumbleupon.com (on the top of my FAVORITES)

Good Song's music/lyrics:

Wish you were here - Blackmore's Night


Social Ad "Robbery"


Article: Help for Sustaining Concentration

1. Plan to listen so that you can ask a really brilliant question about the lecture topic before class is over. You don't have to ask it, but it may be so good you want to.
2. Listen with the intention of relating what the main points of the class were about. Plan to tell someone later about what you learned. You get a bonus here if you actually do it.
3. Listen as if you are the only student in the class. Going solo means that you will be responsible for all questions and answers and that you might be called on at any time....
(This is guaranteed to keep you alert!)

for further info. check this:

Rango (Animation)

Today, I say:
I'm livin it up, the way i want.

Good Song's music/lyrics:
Papa - Paul Anka



Article: Health benefits of donating blood

1. Reduce the chance of heart diseases.
2. Enhance the production of new Red Blood Cells.
3. Helps in fighting hemochromitosis. (iron overload disorder)
4. Burns calories. (one pint of blood (450 ml) when donated burns 650 calories in donor’s body)
5. Invigorated feeling in elderly people. (mentioned but not proved)

for further info. check this:

Wake up call - New world order (documentary)
about conspiracy theory, 9/11, mind-controlling, and others ... a really must see movie.

Today, I say:
i won some friends .. my bro's friends.

positive thing:
i gave up drinking tea.

Today i read about:
how to negotiate
benefits of blood donating

New links:
surf-and-report.blogspot.com (my friends blog)
www.extremelysmart.com/humor/cowsexplain.php (funny -check the site too)

enough as a first post...